
luni, martie 19, 2012

The new Epson Stylus SX235W

Posted by at 11:33 Read our previous post
After talking about the outstanding performances of the HP and Canon printers, now it's time to present the new Epson Stylus SX235W, the one printer especially designed for home printing.
What does Epson Stylus SX235W have that the others don't have already? What's the difference? Basically, while the others focused on professional office printing and answering the needs of small and medium entrepreneurs, Epson Stylus SX235W is designed to cover the requirements of home printing. That pretty much means that the emphasized advantages will not be related to quality and / or printing speed, as office printing requires. For home printing, customers are interested in the aesthetic aspect and efficiency, as well as the economical aspect. The new Epson Stylus SX235W cover all these needs beautifully. 

Firstly, the completely new design made it a lot smaller (40% smaller than previous models!), while at the same time still keeping the elegance of the Epson printer models. Having the size issue checked, the new Epson Stylus SX235W can still combine many functions in a compact casing. Main features are:
- print, copy and scan via wireless
- high resolution printing
- easy setup of the wireless connection

That leaves us the economical aspect to discuss. Having the CISS Ink System for Epson now available, you can easily guess that the printing costs will be a lot lower. To be more specific, you'll save up to 95% of the printing costs! Moreover, the CISS Ink System for Epson Stylus S22 / SX125 / SX130 / SX230 / SX235W is also available on

Installation is nothing to worry about, as you can find a video tutorial in the product page and you'll also receive a CD containing written information in PDF format. However, the team is here to assist you if you have any further questions, so don't be afraid to ask away!

2 comentarii:

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  2. Amuzant! Pentru prima oara cineva ajunge la mine in mod pur intamplator si-mi spune "povestea". Mi-a placut.
    N-am priceput totusi de ce a ramane necasatorit inseamna sa ramai old fashion. Credeam ca-i invers... Dar poate primesc raspuns peste cei 4-5 ani cand o sa ma vizitezi din nou. :)


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