
marți, noiembrie 08, 2011

So what exactly is the CISS?

Posted by at 15:21 Read our previous post
As a definition, CISS stands for "continuous ink supply system" and is actually a very economic alternative for the regular black & white and color printing. Shortly, it's exactly what you need for your printer. Why?

- because it helps you save money and precious time. Save up to 95% on printing costs, to be more precise. 
- cartridges never get dry and you don't have to buy new ones when they're almost empty. Just fill the external tanks up with ink and continue to do your work.
- the system is sold along with the equivalent of up to 28 sets of ink cartridges! Told you that you'd save up a lot!
- no matter how many pages you'd print, the colors will remain the same.

Now let's see exactly how the CISS works. 

First off, the CISS is compatible with many models of Canon, Epson, HP inkjet printers, so make sure to choose one accordingly. After that, everything gets easy.

The system continuously supplies the special cartridges with ink through a capillary system connected to external reservoirs.  These external tanks - usually located right next to the printer - make it easy for you to know when it's time to refill them. There can be 4, 5, 6 or even 8 separate tanks, each one filled with a certain color and they are connected to the ink cartridges inside the printer. So basically, when the external tank of a certain color is reaching 10 - 20% of its capacity (easy to see that since the tanks are see-through), you just buy that ink and refill that tank! It's as simple as that! Not to mention that only the external tanks will be the ones that get empty. The ink cartridges inside the printer will always be full, therefore the colors will be the same no matter how many pages you've printed. But don't think that you'd have to refill the external tanks too often since they contain the equivalent of 10 to 28 sets of original ink cartridges. That's what i call a good deal!

The CISS is also compatible with printers that use catridges with a chip attached. Usually that chip records the level of ink used and will make it impossible to reuse the cartridge even if it's refilled. However, the chips that CISS printers use are resettable.

Remember! The external tanks must be placed at the same height with the printer! You don't want your printer flooded with ink now, do you? Don't be afraid, though! It only takes about 5 to 20 minutes to install a CISS. The package contains useful instructions, but you can also find video tutorials on If you still find yourself in need of additional support, the CISSmarket professional staff will gladly guide you through. 

At the end of it all, if you wish to save some time and money, have a permanently functional printer and obtain high quality printing, you should definetly consider buying a CISS

4 comentarii:

  1. Pentru că folosesc destul de mult imprimanta, urmăresc în mod special TCO-ul pentru fiecare sculă. Cu toate că inkjet-urile au făcut progrese mari, există încă diferenţe notabile faţă de CTO-ul uneia cu laser.
    Ce-i drept, o imprimare color te poate costa per pagină mult mai mult la o sculă laser, de aici şi preferinţele cumpărătorilor pentru celelalte. Iar calitatea imprimării a crescut constant în ultimii zece ani, fără îndoială... Sunt perfecte pentru joburi de tip office (însă pentru echipamentele profesionale cu PostScript, preţurile au rămas prohibitive şi nu ştiu dacă au implementată tehnologia CISS; n-am urmărit chestia asta, dar mi-ai dat o idee...).

  2. @ Max Peter Eu numai la munca mai folosesc imprimanta. Cea pe care o am acasa si acu zace aruncata pe undeva... nu mai stiu exact pe unde din cauza ca nu i-am mai cumparat cartuse. :D
    Ma bucur ca articolul meu ti-a dat ceva idei! :D

  3. Păi să ştii că poţi face bani frumoşi cu o imprimantă, chiar ieftină. trebuie să mai ai ceva noţiuni de finisaje...

  4. @ Max Peter In cazul asta baga o adresa si ti-o trimit si pe a mea! :D Mai multe imprimante, mai multi bani! :D


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